I just LOVE quotes! Quotes about motivation, quotes about family ... anything that makes me stop, and think. I just reflected on a quote I have on one of my shirts ... it always makes me pause.
"Cherish The Journey" ... a wonderful reminder that sometimes there are very stressful moments. Fun days, sad days, exhausting days, but they all add up to one beautiful realization that I am exactly where I should be. I look around and take stock in my healthy family, supportive friends, wonderful work opportunities and exciting future plans for 2016.
Looking at my shirt also makes me think of an unbelievable 40th birthday weekend (many years ago) with my best friend at The Lodge at Woodloche. This was my souvenir from that trip. Would I have the same "warm fuzzy" feeling if it just had the Woodloche logo? Maybe, but maybe not. It just goes to show that a company tag line or motto can be just as powerful a promotional product as one that has the corporate basics like name and address.
A meaningful alternative when looking at your marketing ideas in 2016!