Thursday, October 8, 2015

Run, Walk … or Crawl

This is the time of year when there seems to be a 5k, 10k half marathon or marathon every weekend! While I am “blessed” to have experienced all those wonderful races, it’s the training that consumes most of the time. As a result of my countless training hours, I have come across a few products that have made my journey a little more enjoyable … ok, enjoyable may be stretching it …

Without music, I would certainly struggle on those long runs. The New Balance Workout Arm Band holds my phone secure so I can jam out to my Florida Georgia Line – a welcome distraction when I want to quit.

Most days my run is either at 5 am or 9 pm … either way, it’s pitch dark. Using a Reflective Running Band allows me to safely run at those crazy hours … just me, the foxes and the bats …

Another thing I found helpful was having an Exercise Tracker to keep me on goal with my daily runs/workouts. Some of these races took months to train for, so it was important to make sure I was increasing my distance every week.

One of my biggest challenges was making sure I drank enough water after some of my longer runs. Quite honestly, water is boring, so when I found a tumbler with an infuser, I had a much easier time re-hydrating. Just add your favorite fruit!