Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Energy

A few years ago, my family began a fun tradition ... every New Year's Day we open our "Time Capsule" that has contained our wishes for the upcoming year, our favorite color, movie and pastime as well as an object that best represents us at the time. It's always fun to see (a year later) how much we have changed over the past year. It's also entertaining to see how well we did with our goal- sometimes we nail it and sometimes we don't even come close! The fun thing with kids is they make us realize we shouldn't take everything so seriously - just because I didn't make my goal weight or fitness objectives doesn’t mean the whole year is a total loss. If anything, I am reminded to “relax” and look at all the great things that have happened over the last year. As always, in my quest for self-improvement, I turn to the internet and some great websites to help me get ready for my new resolutions for the upcoming year.  Here are just a few I subscribe to:  
  1. Aby Garvey at Simplify 101 has a fun “Goodbye & Hello” List to start off the New Year! 
  2.  Lorilee Lippincott at Loving Simple Living always has interesting stories of how her family has created a simple and fulfilling life at 
  3.  Jen at iHeart Organizing has great tips on being organized as well as useful  printable lists at