Monday, November 26, 2012

The Gift of Experience

We have heard over and over again that we need to “simplify” our holidays in order to get the most meaning out of this season. Easier said than done, right? But what if we could encourage more family time or alone time with our gifts? I did some searching for gifts that encourage more of the “experience” of the holidays  … what do you think?

1.       Movie Night – Popcorn, Movie Theater Candy, DVDs, A Cozy Blanket , Movie Gift Cards.

2.       “Book Worm” – A Hardcover Book (perhaps a classic),  Leather Journal, Ballpoint Pen, Book-Light,  Sleeve Blanket.

3.       Rejuvenate – Manicure Set,  Massager,   Bath & Body Kit, Aromatherapy Candle, Plush Towel.